CV. Cichem Suba Teknologi established in 2016. Our Headquarter located in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. Our Vision is become your trusted partner to responsibly source organically grown herbs and practice green farming.
Our first brand is Alpha Herbs. This brand is focusing on supply high quality organic product with the best price, because we can send 1st hand from the farmers to avoid too many hand of supply chain. We can provide you flexible packaging requirement according to your standard packaging.
Since 2016, we are experienced to supply domestic and international market. We can take care about the clearance and shipping.
Do feel free to reach us and let our team with well experience about the organic product here to support you.
Our farm is professionally managed by our teams which is best talents within their specific role. Our farm is located geographically on East Indonesia. To be specific in island called as Pulau Seram, it has been known since in colonialism era where some of Spanish, Portuguese, UK and Netherland has been found this island is rich with numerous botanical herbs and spice.
The operation manager, Zulkarnaen Wellete has been playing pivotal role to be day to day manager, consolidator, implementer and auditor to our own farm &/ any of privately small farmer that we support also. Our CEO, Sony Dharmawan has been on steering leadership on growing our business, optimizing our logistic, marketing and find added value on our product that we can optimize our product category.
Our HR & GA, Yayan Setyawan is playing vital role building relationship with local small farmer and optimize our activity to make sure in every aspect we touch will have positive impact to community. Our Chairman, Mr Sugiono providing vision and mission of our farm leadership sustainably.
Farm Code:
Farm Name: Alpha Herbs
Owner: Sony Dharmawan.
Contact Info:;
Mobile: +6281230864084
WhatsApp: +6281230864084
Location: Tamilouw, Kecamatan Amahai, Kabupaten Central Maluku, Indonesia.
Altitude : 700 m asl.
Total Area: ±745 Ha.
History: Privately local own farmer. Other than vanilla a lot of herbs such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, dammar gum, Oud wood, sago etc.
Farming System: Organic.
Accreditation(s): –
Soil Type: Clay loam soil slight sandy with high fertility, type latozol, mediteran, renzina and color dark reddish brown.
Soil pH: 6.6
Irrigation: Rain-fed
Soil: E.C = 9,350-10,450 µS/m; O.M= 3.6%, Exchageable Ca = 11.45 cmol/kg P= 12 ppm K = 88.52 ppm.
Water: TBD.
Sensient crop: Vanilla beans.
Variety: Planifolia.
Established: Dec, .
Ave. yield: 0.2 Ton/ha;
Farm workers: 50 full-time.
Wages: 118.4K IDR/day (U.S $8.46)
Drying method: Sun Drying.
Alpha herbs is privately own organic herbs farm in East Indonesia. Alpha herbs also affiliated with local farmer to increase added value and to optimize our marketing organic natural herbs and extract produced in East Indonesia with very fertile soil and relaying fertility without application chemical pesticide and herbicide. Our herbs and spices are grown in an isolated area faraway from any commercial farm which heavily using any chemical fertilizer and chemical pesticide / herbicide.
We committed to you not only organically grown herbs & spice but also responsibly sources and practice green farming from all our botanical products. Do feel free to contact us if any herbs you looking for but not being mention in our product below as we have rich of type herbs which potentially available and trade locally currently.